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  • Writer's pictureJulie Rowin MD

Turmeric Spiced Herbal Tea

This anti-inflammatory medicinal tea has a wonderful aroma. Combining the healing properties of turmeric, cloves, chamomile, ginger and cinnamon, it is very soothing and calming any time of day.

  • Ingredients:

  • 1 inch peeled turmeric root

  • 4-5 organic whole cloves

  • 1 organic chamomile tea bag – herbal or 1 TBLS organic chamomile flowers

  • 1 organic ginger tea bag – herbal or a few slices of organic peeled fresh ginger

  • 1 organic cinnamon tea bag – herbal or 1 organic cinnamon stick


  1. Place approximately 4 cups of water into a small pot.

  2. Put turmeric root and cloves in. If you are using fresh ginger slices and/or cinnamon stick, this is when you would put those in as well.

  3. Heat water to just before boiling and remove from heat.

  4. Add tea bags and steep for 15 minutes.

  5. Discard tea bags.

  6. Strain cloves/turmeric/fresh ginger/cinnamon stick.

  7. Fix tea how you like it (raw honey, lemon, non-dairy milk or plain).

  8. Enjoy tea!

Source: Functional Medicine Chef

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