It’s The Most ______ Time of the Year
Fill in the blank. What word would you use to describe this time of year? Wonderful, stressful, joyful?

The 2019 Holiday Season is upon us. This means that it’s a wonderful time for some and a stressful time for others.
What can you do to avoid getting caught up in the stress of the holiday season? Or even better, how do you go from feeling stressed out to actually enjoying it? Here are some suggestions from health coach Maria Zepeda at healthyheartcoaching.com.
Recognize your feelings. Recognize that you don’t have to feel happy because it’s on the calendar. If you are going through a rough patch or have had a hard year, realize that it’s normal to feel sad and not be excited about the holidays. Take time to recognize and accept your feelings.
* Ask yourself, "how do I feel right at this minute?" and acknowledge your feelings.
What do YOU want to do? Now that you have acknowledged your feelings, the next question is, what do I WANT to do this holiday season. Not what do my friends or family want, but what do I WANT. Once you have figured out what your true desire for this holiday season is, make it that. Do you want to put up holiday decorations? Do you want to go to the holiday party?
* Allow your heart to dictate what you really feel like doing and follow your heart. It’s ok to say No.
Get out of your head. It’s important to not get lost in your thoughts and think about what is "surely to go wrong during Christmas dinner." Focus on what you can control, which is your thoughts, your outlook and mindset.
* Stay present. Avoid focusing on what’s happened in the past or try to predict what may happen in the future.
Avoid comparisons. Comparing yourself to others and what they are or aren’t doing for the holiday season can result in feeling defeated. Their situation isn’t your situation.
* Everyone’s experience is different.
Be grateful for what you have and accept your reality. It’s easy to complain about what we don’t have and easier to overlook what we do have.
* Practicing gratefulness is life transforming.
These simple steps can make the season less stressful on you and your body. We hope that you find them helpful and share them with those that you love.