Are whole grains really better for us?
“I believe we can move towards a healthier more natural relationship with bread again.” -Dr. Rowin

Modern agriculture, modern food processing and modern baking practices have had detrimental effects on the health of our country in recent decades. The bread and cereal products made from modernized, conventionally grown wheat and rushed baking procedures are a major reason for the growing epidemic of obesity, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and gluten sensitivity in the U.S.
As we move away from ancient grains and baking practices, we are causing havoc on our biology. We have spent many decades concerned over calorie intake and fat intake when in truth, the real problem is even more basic. We are separating ourselves from our natural environment and what is natural food for our bodies. Food is information to our cells and we are feeding our bodies the wrong information. Science is only now starting to describe how the return to ancient grains, organic farming and the traditional baking practices of wheat are essential for our country’s health.
Are whole grains really better for us?
Studies have shown that eating whole grains which contain the entire seed of the plant (the bran, germ and endosperm) reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer risk. Refined grains, which remove the bran and germ, make up the majority of bread in the US. Taking out the bran and germ from the grains removes the majority of vitamins, minerals and fiber. Therefore, it goes without saying that whole grains are better for us. However, the issue that arises is that not all whole grains are created equal. Conventionally grown and processed wheat, which involves rushed agriculture and baking practices, results in difficult to digest food that often contains harmful herbicides, emulsifiers and dough conditioners as well as hidden trans fats. All of these unnatural ingredients make a typical loaf of grocery store bread a very inflammatory food. Therefore, many individuals experience symptoms, especially digestive complaints, from these modern agricultural and baking practices. As a society, we blame gluten for our digestive symptoms, weight gain and joint pain that result from bread, but there are many potential reasons for conventional bread to cause health-related issues.