Julie Rowin MD
Dr. Rowin has a new location!

Dr. Rowin has moved to Sedona Arizona, the perfect location to transition her integrative neurology practice. She will be seeing patients in-person at the Sedona location and via tele-health to Illinois and Arizona.
Dr. Rowin's services include:
Functional/Integrative Medicine Evaluation and Treatment
Non-urgent Neurology Consultations, Evaluation and Treatment
Nutrition and Lifestyle Counseling
Nutritional Supplements and IV Therapy
Acupuncture and Electro Acupuncture
Telehealth is available to Arizona and Illinois Residents
Her new location is:
Julie Rowin MD LLC, Integrative Neurology
Verde Valley Naturopathic Medicine
1835 W. State, Route 89A, Suite 3
Sedona, AZ 86336
For appointments:
928.300.1565 - tel
928.852.2039 -fax
Visit VVNaturopathic.com