Gluten-free Paleo Blueberry Muffins
Ingredients: 1 cup organic blueberries 3 organic eggs ½ organic lemon – juice of 1 tsp vanilla extract 2/3 cup raw honey or farm maple...
Gluten-free Paleo Blueberry Muffins
Probiotic Anti-inflammatory Smoothie
Paleo Granola
Italian-spiced Cauliflower Meatballs
Turmeric Spiced Herbal Tea
Creamy Dairy-Free Roasted Tomato Bisque
Building Muscle at Any Age
Dairy-Free Pesto Salmon
Creamy Kefir Vinaigrette
Should I Take A Probiotic?
Kale & Brussels Sprout Detox Salad
6 Strategies to Detoxify Your Body
6 Strategies for Building Resilience During Times of Change
8 Ways to Optimize Immune Health Naturally
Simple Ayurvedic Strategies for the Winter Season
Is Your Neuropathy Really Idiopathic?
Idiopathic Neuropathy and Gluten Sensitivity
What can I eat to avoid prednisone side-effects?
Do I need to avoid gluten?
What are the Health Benefits of Sourdough Fermentation?
Julie Rowin, MD LLC, Integrative Neurology
Verde Valley Naturopathic Medicine
1835 W. State Route 89A, Suite 3
Sedona, AZ 86336
For Appointments and Inquiries:
928-300-1565 -tel
928.852.2039 - fax
For more information and new patient forms visit: