Dr. Rowin understands that two people exhibiting the same symptoms may have different root causes. This is why we endeavor to treat you as an individual. We utilize a customized approach with each of our patients.
Neurological Diagnosis and Treatment Plan/Prescriptions
Complete Medical and Neurological History and Examination
Brain and Nervous System Imaging Interpretation
Laboratory Evaluation and Interpretation
Electrodiagnostic Interpretation (EMG-electromyography and NCS-nerve conduction studies)
Pharmacologic Management
Integrative and Functional Medicine Including:
Nutritional Counseling
Vitamins and Supplements
IV Nutritional Therapy
Functional Medicine Testing
Lifestyle Modification, Stress Reduction, and Wellness Optimization
Acupuncture and Energy Medicine including:
PENS therapy (Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation)
Chinese Scalp Acupuncture
Energy Healing and Meditation

Julie Rowin, MD LLC, Integrative Neurology
Verde Valley Naturopathic Medicine
1835 W. State Route 89A, Suite 3
Sedona, AZ 86336
For Appointments and Inquiries:
928-300-1565 -tel
928.852.2039 - fax
For more information and new patient forms visit: